Winters Heritage House Museum
& The Seibert Genealogy Research Library

Upcoming Events

D-Day: Liberation Through the Eyes & Lives of Elizabethtown Families

Thursday, June 6 at 7 p.m.

Winters Heritage House Museum presents an evening about WWII and the Elizabethtown service members and families who helped liberate Europe and the world. Learn about the years of searching for 1st Lt. William Herr Myers’ missing plane and hear the story of the Herr and Myers family as vibrantly told by Lois Herr. Museum staff will add to the evening with D-Day events, information and pieces of oral histories taken from Elizabethtown families that need to be remembered and retold.

Exhibit runs during musuem hours (W-F 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.) Thursday, June 6 through Friday, July 5.

Extended hours from 4 - 8 p.m. on Friday, June 14 and from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. on Saturday, June 22. Closed Wednesday, June 19.

Oregon Trail Role Play Game


Pioneer Days - WAITLIST ONLY

July 10 - 12 & July 24 - 26

Kids ages 5 - 12 can experience life as it was for those men, women and children that traveled west during the 1800’s. Each day will have a different theme. Activities will include cooking, washing clothes, games, panning for gold, writing telegrams, tin punching, making toys and more.

Pack your lunch and join us for six days of pioneer fun and discovery!

Themes for the Event are as Follows:
  • Wednesday, July, 10 - The Oregon Trail
  • Thursday, July, 11 - The Pony Express
  • Friday, July, 12 - The Gold Rush
  • Wednesday, July, 24 - Cowboy Life
  • Thursday, July, 25 - Boom Towns and Ghost Towns
  • Friday, July, 26 - Native Americans

Register for the full event ($70 resident, or $80 non-resident) through Elizabethtown GEARS or contact the Heritage House directly for single day registration, $15 per day. (717) 367-4672.

10% registration discount available for Museum Members - contact the museum directly to register.